Between now and the end of January 2022 we’ll all need to complete a CPD return.
To make it easier for you we’ve posted all New Ireland’s LIA & IOB CPD Codes on our Literature Library / popular forms.
You can access the 2021 CPD event listing here.
Each event is listed in chronological order allowing you to easily identify the event you attended. In all we hosted 22 CPD events, with 17.5 hours of approved CPD for LIA and IOB members
For CFPs, we have secured a total of 4 hours CPD for the events dated, 21 May, 3 June, 30 September and the 24 November. Full details can be found on the FPSB CPD Approved Event listing.
CPD Guidelines:
You can only claim CPD for events that you attended for the full duration of the event.
The onus is on each LIA, IOB or FPSB member to keep a record of their event attendance and submit an accurate return.
For CPD queries on New Ireland events, please contact us at