At New Ireland, we are committed to supporting our brokers and customers as best we can. On 6 May we sent an Ezine to all our brokers with clients that hold reviewable protection policies. If you are a broker with clients that have reviewable protection policies, we strongly recommend you to read the briefing thoroughly. We are hoping for your support as we continue to engage with our reviewable protection policyholders.
These policyholders will be faced with many difficult decisions in the weeks and months ahead; health, social, income and financial. We’re asking that you engage with as many of your reviewable protection policyholder clients as possible in advance, or at the time, of their next scheduled policy review.
The purpose of the engagement is to:
- carry out an up to date review of protection needs
- remind policyholders of the features and benefits of their reviewable protection policy and
- present and discuss options available under the existing reviewable protection policy in light of their current protection needs
Full details of the reviewable protection engagement plan are contained in our recent reviewable protection communication.
If you require further help or support, please contact your broker consultant who will be pleased to answer your queries.